For much of my professional life…
I not only climbed, but partially owned the corporate ladder. It was rewarding… and stressful. To fuel the over-working and under-sleeping, I over-ate and under-moved. Ultimately, I sacrificed my physical and emotional health for that ladder and that type of success.
The corporate world was my truth, as I knew it, until it wasn’t
I didn’t know whether I wanted to be a coach or if I just needed one, but a series of synchronicities led me to Martha Beck and life coach training. As I learned and applied the coaching tools, I gave up Xanax and donuts (but definitely not coffee), and began listening to my own inner dialog.
Once I was no longer numbing my inner wisdom, I could hear what was real for me, and I found myself standing knee deep in my own Truth Experience. After twenty-plus years in the corporate world, I left the hamster wheel and pitched my tent in Truth.
Now, I help people find their Truth and the courage to experience it.
Because once upon a time, I took a leap of faith based on my Truth and the support I felt along the way was life-changing. What I’ve seen unfold since then has been nothing short of magical.
These days, the magic seems to quadruple when I pay the support I received forward.
And because it’s fun!
My Truth
My certifications say I’m a Master Life & Equus Coach.
I am one who likes to talk, doodle and play with horses.
My past says I was a Corporate Executive.
The Truth is that I’m a blend of all of that with a good dose of “woo” thrown in.
I call myself an Executive Coach and Consultant.
I enjoy the practicality of waking up each day to get stuff done.
Yet my left-brained business-self now believes in magic.
I believe life is an awe-inspiring experience when we blend the two together.
I believe when we walk with one foot in the spiritual realm and one foot on earth, we make this world a better place.
I believe that when we place our integrity on the back burner, we get lost.
Simply put, I believe that when we know, embrace, and live by our own Truth,
life becomes one hell of an amazing ride.
Why do I believe this?
Because I’ve been watching my life (and my clients’ lives) unfold for years now. I have too much evidence to believe anything to the contrary.
That’s why I love helping others
Foster magical flow states for creative teams,
Connect with their innate strengths,
Remember how to play,
Savor synchronicities,
Love the life they are creating, and
Manifest their wildest dreams.
I am also a fan of
Belly laughter over prim and proper,
Spirituality over religion,
Intuition over intellect,
Playing smart over working hard,
Bravery over retaining the status quo, and
Alabama football. Roll Tide.