One weekend in May,
I ventured to Scottsdale, Arizona for my second onsite training as an Equus Coach®. For those of you who know me, you know that the idea of being un-tethered from my computer for this long used to be completely outside of my comfort zone. Prior to my Equus Coach training, I was also far from being a “horse person” who spent time riding or around stables.
So why, in heavens name, did I do such a thing? For three main reasons:
For the magical and spiritual pull
These days, I no longer question anything that has a magical and/or spiritual pull about it. While I didn’t understand how everything I was being called to do quite fit together, I’d started to see glimpses and had faith that it would. In the meantime, I was having a heck of a good time giving myself space to heal and helping others do the same.
For the power of the experience
Prior to this weekend’s onsite, I learned more about myself in the round pen with a large black horse during a workshop with Koelle Simpson than I had in months of traditional coaching.
Ever since, I have been a fan of the deep, efficient, and experiential power of this work. Every time I step into a round pen, I seem to be able to peel another layer of scar tissue back and shine light on whatever caused it to be there in the first place. It is sometimes not easy, often humbling and always empowering.
For permission to play outside
I was entranced by the playful spiritual connection that Koelle and the horses seemed to have. I wanted to learn how to really relax, have fun, to be patient, and channel my energy in that way.
Additionally, the horses would not fit in my home office, where I no longer wanted to hide. Moving outside, I gave myself permission to stop looking at the clock, monitoring my e-mail, and take a real stab at doing this thing called “play.”
Finding your Ground Truth
It was during this second onsite that I realized that these three reasons—the reasons I was becoming an Equus Coach—were also a few of the basic ground rules of finding your Ground Truth.
What is Ground Truth?
Ground Truth \’graund ‘truth\ n : In military jargon, the term is used to describe the true reality of a situation, as opposed to what intelligence reports and mission plans assert the reality to be.
Here, Ground Truth is used to describe the reality of your own truth that is guiding you to to do something differently, as opposed to what your parents, peers, or success gurus spout as being the way to wealth, happiness and skinny jeans.
When you stand solidly on this foundation, fun things start happening. You get honest with yourself, awaken to what’s working, and want to begin moving away from what is out of your integrity and toward what is in it.
I heartily encourage you to pay attention to whatever it is that magically or spiritually pulls you:
- It could be a tap root touching your soul and leading you to a piece of yourself that you’ve not yet met or forgot long ago. Embrace it. Even if it doesn’t make logical sense, it will make energetic and spiritual sense if it touches into your Ground Truth.
- It will lead you to an experience that will promote healing.
- It will guide you to a life full of permission to really show up and play. If you have forgotten how, you are not alone. I’m learning again too.
In Truth & With Love,
* Originally posted May 14, 2011